Coming soon:
the world of music (new series) 9 (2020):1–2
the world of music (new series) 9 (2020):1–2 on Choreomusicology will be out soon. Guest-edited by Elina Seye and Kendra Stepputat, no. 1 of this double issue centers around the themes of corporeality and social relations. Following an introduction by the guest editors, it includes contributions by Ako Mashino, Elina Seye, Colin Quigley, Siri Mæland and Sándor Varga. No. 2 addresses issues of translocality and local ontologies. Among the authors are Kendra Stepputat, Elina Djebbar, Sydney Hutchinson and Made Mantle Hood. More information will follow soon.
–Birgit Abels
I would like to order these two journal volumes, but I did not yet find a way to order them online. I live in Brussels.
Dear Anriy, thanks for your inquiry. We do not have all books in our shop. From some issues there are remaining samples, so asking us is a good idea. I sent a private message to you. Anyway, the 2 issues 2020 are still available.
Kind regards Rolf Aglaster